Q&A with Nikki Tomb & Kellyann Summers, creators of “Laura’s Story”

Christos Arfanis
8 min readJun 27, 2020

1)Was there a particular event or time that you recognized that filmmaking was not just a hobby, but that it would be your life and your living?

Kellyann Summers: So for me I’ve been doing this for about 4 years now, both acting & film making. when I started it was the love I had for the industry & how it spoke to me on so many levels that I knew it was a path I was taking long term. When I had a eye for producing as well that is when i really came to the realisation I can take this further.

Nikki Tomb: Yeah absolutely. I started out as a SFX makeup artist on a short indie film just to have the experience, this is when I met Kellyann. We got talking and I told her about an idea I had for 2 films, 1 of which was Laura’s Story. Once I started writing the scripts for the films and putting out team together I fell in love with the production process. The first full day of filming Laura’s Story was the day I realised I want to peruse a full career as a director and writer.

2)Is it harder to get started or to keep going? What motivates you to keep going and what are your goals and ambitions as sole creators as well co-producers?

Kellyann Summers: I found it harder to get started, not many people know where to look & who to go to & they often get caught in fake agencies etc so it took me a few months to really get into a flow & meet the right people. Once you have made connections though you’re in & things really take off. For me I don’t need any motivation to keep going, it’s just something that’s in me that needs to come out & filming is a healthy expression to do so. We both have a lot of goals that is safe to say. For me id like to expand on different genres, I have a feature & a couple of short films to work on — each one is different to each other & I’m really excited to expand not only my acting skills but my producing skills too. We have said we would like to work together again for sure as we have created something special here with Laura’s story.

Nikki Tomb: Getting started can be difficult, it’s a case of building contacts within the industry but also keeping in mind that there are some people out there for personal gain. Bu once you meet the right people and start building a good professional name for yourself Ive found people will begin to come to you to connect. Keeping motivated on a project I think comes from who you have around you. When you have a dedicated and talented cast and crew it’s easier to keep the excitement and motivation of the project alive. This was something we were really lucky with on Laura’s Story. Everyone loved the story and put 100% into making this film I personally aim to continue with awareness dramas with the hope they help people. I have a love for horror and want to also continue in the genre but drama is my main focus. As co-producers I love working with Kellyann, she has a positive energy that really does rub off on you. I would be more than happy to co-produce even more projects together.

Kellyann Summers: Don’t get me wrong There were moments we both had to pick each other up but we both love what we do.

Nikki Tomb: Oh definitely but I think we are a strong team and that is something that’s very important in producing. We visualized Laura’s Story in the same way and I really think that paid off.

3) Who are your favorite director/s and what movie/s do you love the most? Did they inspire you to join the entertainment industry?

Nikki Tomb: My favourite directors include Eli Roth, Greg Nicotero and Tim Burton, each of them have a very unique vision and style when filmmaking which I find fascinating and inspired by. The films that really made me interested in the film industry were classic horrors like the exorcist and night of the living dead but also newer films such as hostel and saw. My favourite genre is horror so from a makeup artist perspective I was always fascinated with practical effects and the impact it had on others when they watch these films. This was what made me want to do SFX makeup and eventually filmmaking. I find it interesting how we can start with a blank canvas, weather its makeup or a script, then add and build onto it to create something powerful and creative.

Kellyann Summers: I LOVE guy ritchie films, he’s my inspiration for my next projects. I love how he tells different stories and how they all entwine with each other. I love films that make you think and leave you wanting more. If I can be just one ounce the film maker he is I will be very happy! I’m also a huge Disney fan so anything where you can dive into being a princess or fairytale creature like maleficent, I love using the imagination as it’s the door way to our inner child’s. And who doesn’t like being a big kid and bringing all their child like desires out! I love how me and Nikki have such different likings!

You are like the ying to yang to each other someone could say.

Nikki Tomb: Definitely but I also think it’s what makes us work so well together as we both see the different sides to filmmaking

Kellyann Summers: Yes definitely! There’s never a dull moment for us.

4)Are there certain qualities that make a film better for you? And on the opposite way, what makes a movie “bad” ?

Nikki Tomb: I think the best films are made up of a number of factors; it has to have a good solid plot that draws me in. It has to have a good casting, I prefer undiscovered actors or actors who are unheard of rather than A listers for certain films unless it’s a good superhero film 😅. I also love seeing creative practical effects. I’ve always preferred low budget films and found footage films, I think you can really see the creativity more in them. I wouldn’t really say theres any films I’ve seen that i would consider “bad”. Theres obviously films I’m less interested in usually it’s because it has an actor I’m not fond of or because of the plot line or genre. I like to view all films as someone else’s creative mind, I find it very interesting to see other filmmakers approach and passion for their films.

Kellyann Summers: One that leaves me wanting more or to never want it to end, being eager for the next one. For me if a film changes me in some way and sticks with me for a long time it’s definitely worth rewatching. The ultimate goal is to leave the viewer with feelings they wouldn’t normally reach on their own so if something doesn’t do that then that’s what I’d call a bad movie.

5)Do you prefer to work on cgi/green screen or actual settings ?

Kellyann Summers: Actual settings 100%. With CGI it’s always changing and quickly adapting so the quality can fade pretty quick. It also takes a lot of time for CGI to be completed & it’s not always needed. As an actor it can push you to learn new skills depending on what the storyline is to the CGI needed but I prefer actual settings. It’s so much easier & looks much better.

Nikki Tomb: Personally I’ve only worked on 1 set that used green screen/cgi, it was an interesting experience and I understand why the filmmaker chose to use it but personally as a director I prefer going to locations and all practical effects. I might be swayed in the future to use cgi but would prefer not to.

6)What is the advise you would give to a young filmmaker or to someone who wants to work in the entertainment industry ?

Kellyann Summers: So I’d say, find out what it is that interests you most then work towards it, any steps are better than no steps. There’s ups and downs to anything so don’t give up easily & always go for what you want just never tread on anyone to get it. Love what you do.

Nikki Tomb: I would say the same as Kellyann, find what you are passionate about; directing, writing, makeup, acting etc. And network as much as possible weather it’s at network events on online. I would also suggest finding someone in the field would are interested in and see if you can shadow them at any point, this will help you get some insight into what the job entails.Most importantly, never let anyone tell you you can’t do something. If you have passion and dedication then nothing can get in your way.

7)Do you have any future plans you would like to share ? Such us films in pre-production or already filmed.

Nikki Tomb: Myself and Kellyann have a short horror we filmed last year which will be released later this year called Clowns. I’ve also co-wrote along side actor Shane Buckley another short drama called Fractus which we will be filming later this year providing the current situation gets much better. As for other future projects, there’s a few more dramas I have written which I would like to turn into films within the next few years. Eventually I would like to direct a horror series which I’ve been writing for the past year and a half. Of course as I’ve said before I would love to work with Kellyann again and I hope I get to meet and work with many more amazingly talented people.

Kellyann Summers: So luckily for us, although we can’t film anything right now, we have clowns coming out later this year. Acting wise I’m in a few indie films set to release at some point this summer. Producing wise I’m working on one of my own two features at the moment which will be filmed next year. 2 short films & an animation series which will see me into the next 5 years at least. So it looks like we’ll both be super creative for the foreseeable. I can’t wait to work new & old faces, just keep making content that people enjoy! I think our paths will definitely cross again as we both are keen to work with each other & you definitely haven’t seen the last of our dynamic duo. Lots to look forward to!



Christos Arfanis

Filmmaker (film producer, screenwriter, film director) and entertainment author/journalist.